A pleasure to lead on a storytelling workshop for this fabulous event curated by Wales Arts Review. The perfect venue at Riverfront Newport, a nice tool kit shared and implemented in the...
Read MoreA pleasure to lead on a storytelling workshop for this fabulous event curated by Wales Arts Review. The perfect venue at Riverfront Newport, a nice tool kit shared and implemented in the...
Read MoreHyfryd oedd treilio bach o amser yn dod i nabod criw newydd Canolfan Berfformio Cymru // Had a great time getting to know some of the new students at Canolfan Berfformio Cymru over the past few weeks. Mwy o wybodaeth am yr holl gyrsiau isod// More info about this ever growing training ground here: About the course Edrych ymlaen at weithio ar ddau gynhyrchiad diddorol blwyddyn nesaf./...
Read MoreGreat day with NYTW delivering acting through song workshops/ masterclasses. Love seeing new talent coming through. Great residency at Theatr Clwyd. Absolutely thrilled to see so many young people one comes across at a very young age, working with companies such as Bridgend Youth Theatre, still performing and striving for dreams and ambitions. We do youth arts well in Wales...
Read MoreHyfryd oedd beirniadu yn 'Steddfod Caerdydd eleni gyda Catrin Darnell. Wedi mwynhau mas draw clywed yr holl dalent newydd sydd gyda ni yng Nghymru. Unawd Sioe Gerdd dan 19 a dros 19. Talent di-ri i'n diddanu ni am oriau. Diolch i chi gyd am eich ymroddiad gwych. Llongyfarchiadau i Huw Blainey ar ei ysgoloriaeth, Owain John ar ennill y gystadlaeaeth dan 19 ac i Gwion Morris Jones...
Read MoreCes i gyfle i siarad am 10 munud gyda Creative Cardiff rhyw flwyddyn yn ôl. Ar ôl bwrw wal creadigol nes i cwpwl o newidiadau. Ma pawb yn bwrw'r wal 'na wy'n credu ond ma' wastad ffordd trwyddo. Cliciwch y ddolen isod: Dangos a...
Read MoreCurrently working on something I think could be pretty special.Whatever the outcome regarding the final product of this piece of theatre, the discoveries 're the lack of support for D/deaf artists in Wales is enough to spur me on for the foreseeable future. We didn't find any D/deaf professional dancers to audition for us in Wales. We did however have people travelling from overseas to audition...
Read MoreWhat a joy and a privelidge it has been to help set up the first ever Welsh National Youth Opera, bilingually, in North Wales I love working with young people. I love their energy, their trust and just adore watching them achieve what they once thought they couldn't. Been great fun working with the awesome Jenny Pearson as usual. Best of luck to everyone as you continue your...
Read MoreHad a great time developing this piece of art with Eddie Ladd and the team over the past few weeks. Thanks to Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru for hosting the sharing and everyone who came for their insightful...
Read MoreHad a lovely few weeks with these fabulous students watching them develop their ideas into pieces of work which I hope they will learn from. Many have written for the 1st time. It always amazes me how actors have a natural flair for writing. A visceral understanding of what makes theatre. I hope they continue to write beyond this degree and we see some fledgling writers amongst...
Read MoreAbsolutely buzzing following a pretty mentally intense week of explorations It's always a joy to find a project where learning is your only option. Realising how much you don't know is exciting, exhilarating if not a tad overwhelming. Ok so I may over egg a little, but so many skills need to be nurtured, tested and pieced together for this vision to work. Keeping hold of our lead...
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